Comet C/2012 K1 PanSTARRS
Created: 06/03/2014
Comet PanSTARRS C-2012 K1 AP130 iEQ30 02.jpg

Comet C/2012 K1 PanSTARRS
Taken at NCO in windy conditions.
Telescope: Astro-Physics 130 STARFIRE EDF GT
Mount: iOptron iEQ30 using autoguider
Camera: Canon 60Da ISO 1000 and 1600
Exposure: 26 mins. total, no darks
Processing: ImagesPlus 5.75, aligned on comet
Location: NCO
Date: 31-May-2014

Autoguide graph AP130 iEQ30.jpg

PHD Guiding graph
iEQ30 with AP130 telescope
Windy night at NCO